Effective Telephone Communication


The first contact a potential client has with your business is often through a phone call. Le premier contact avec votre entreprise est souvent l’appel téléphonique.

This course will show your personnel how to improve the following: courtesy, listening and consistency while communicating over the telephone. They will be able to apply current standards in customer service, thus providing a quality service experience.


Description Target Clientele Course Syllabus
Effective Telephone Communication Anyone wishing to improve their telephone communication skills



Loi 90 – loi du 1 %

Act 90 – Act regarding 1 %

If you are an employer whose annual payroll is $2,000,000 or more, then you are subject to the following Act: Act to promote workforce skills development and recognition, also known as the “1 % Law“.

For more information regarding these grants, please click on the link listed above.

Do not wait until the end of your financial year to plan your training activities!