A List of 25 Common French Words and their Definition

by / lundi, 06 avril 2020 / Published in Non classé @en

Let’s face it, French is hard to learn. Its grammar is different than in English, and you have to pronounce things properly. But learning basic terms can help. So here is a list of 25 common words used in French.

Word Definition
auparavant Beforehand, previously
bis a musical encore at the end of a concert; detour or diversion
bouffer to be full; have volume
chouette owl; great, nice or cool
coucou (exclamation) hello, hi, peek-a-boo; cuckoo (clock)
doué gifted
égard respect
génial genius, inspired; great, cool
incontournable inescapable, inevitable, or indispensable
intéressant interesting, attractive, worthwhile
justement exactly
lendemain the next day, day after; future
maîtriser to control, overcome, suppress; to master
malin Shrewd, cunning
normal normal
occasion chance, opportunity
piège trap
piger to get it
pinard cheap wine, plonk
projet intention; plan
rater misfire, miss, fail, bungle, miscarry, to mess up
taux rate
toucher to touch; to approach, be/go near; to affect
untel so-and-so
vachement really