
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 by

OBJECTIVES At the end of this course, the participants will be able to use basic Unix commands.   TARGET CLIENTELE All network positions   PREREQUISITES Knowledge of computer science     COURSE SYLLABUS UNIX architecture History Basic features and concepts Files, directoris, and permissions Structures Paths Creation Moving Removing Links Archiving Properties Access rights Process

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Operating Systems

Thursday, 20 June 2013 by

OBJECTIVES Centre Professionnel ELC provides training on various operating systems that are commonly used. The purpose of these courses is to acquaint you with and help you improve using the chosen operating system.   Windows 10 Mac OS X Linux UNIX   Contact us for more information:   Act regarding 1% Our training services are accredited

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Intelligence Artificielle - IA


Formation et assistance (coaching) sur l'IA.

Possibilité de subventions pour cette formation.

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