Êtes-vous capable de distinguer entre un interprète et un traducteur ?  Je vous invite à lire cet article intéressant sur la distinction entre ces deux métiers. http://aiic.net/node/4/interpreter-n-est-pas-traduire/lang/2 Bonne lecture !

Avec Skype Translator, Microsoft veut reprendre le dessus sur Google et Apple.  Je vous invite à lire cet article intéressant sur cette nouvelle technologie. http://www.20minutes.fr/high-tech/1390253-microsoft-travaille-sur-un-service-de-traduction-instantane-pour-skype Bonne lecture !

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Did you know translators and interpreters rank 4th on the list of fastest growing jobs in America?  Here is a brief article about these professions. http://www.proz.com/translation-news/?p=87635 What are your thoughts on the matter.  

Here is a brief article in which an aspiring translator / interpreter asks a few insightful questions about the job. http://www.aboutranslation.com/2012/05/questions-from-aspiring-translator-or.html What are your thoughts ?  

Je vous invite à lire cet article intéressant sur les avantages d’utiliser les services d’interprétation, surtout dans le monde des affaires. http://cfpelc.blog.ca/2014/02/19/if-you-are-working-for-a-company-and-are-in-17784228/ Bonne lecture !

Mobile and linguistics developer, Translate Your World, has launched a Conferences and Meetings version of its software that automatically converts business conferences, product demonstrations, and speeches into dozens of languages in real-time. Is this something you think you would use?   http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/2013/11/19/new_automated_speech_translation_software_by.htm Give us your feedback.  

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