Francization – Beginner Level


This course is based on the specific needs of allophone participants and aims to develop their oral and written French skills, as well as to promote their integration into Quebec society. They will learn to develop their autonomy to understand conversations, presentations and texts of general interest, and to express themselves orally and in writing in predictable and formal situations. In addition, this training prepares them for the job market.

This course allows participants to learn the basics of the French language. At the end of this training, they will be able to:

  • Understand the content of conversations and speeches in standard French language using a normal speed
  • Communicate autonomously in informal conversations and presentations
  • Introduce themselves, greet and thank someone
  • Recognize the variety of the language (colloquial, standard) and to take the message into account when conveying it
  • Use everyday words
  • Speak on a daily basis
  • Discuss familiar topics
  • Understand and respond to a request for personal information
  • Understand an instruction
  • Understand the essence of texts of general interest
  • Read a registration form and send information
  • Write short, structured texts
  • Understand and write informative texts



Immigrants and new arrivals, allophones, Canadian citizens who would like to improve their French language skills






  1. Thematic Content
    • Talk about yourself and those around you
    • Request and provide information on simple daily actions
    • Describe a person, an object and a place
    • Cardinal and ordinal numbers
    • Express time, date, frequency and duration
    • Express actions in progress
    • Getting around town
      • talk about means of transport
    • Ask for information
    • Know professions and discuss activities and conditions related to work
    • Express tastes and preferences
    • Speak using the past tense
    • Identify, describe and locate a person, an object and a place
    • Express tastes, feelings, physical and psychological states
    • Give an opinion
      • give advice, a command
    • Compare
      • express tastes and preferences
  1. Grammatical Content
    • Alphabet
    • Spelling
    • Nouns and their gender (masculine and feminine)
    • Definite, indefinite and possessive determinates
    • Numbers
    • Personal pronouns
    • Qualitative adjectives
    • Comparatives and superlatives
    • The most common verbs
    • Present tense verbs
      • Avoir and être
      • Basic verbs of the three groups
    • Interrogative
      • basic questions
    • Simple negatives
    • Present imperative
    • Past tenses
      • imparfait, passé composé
    • The futur proche
    • The futur simple
      • distinction between futur simple and futur proche
    • Prepositions of location
      • basic
    • Common pronominal verbs in the present
    • Interrogative including inversion
    • Negative sentences with COD or COI pronouns
    • The y pronoun
    • The en pronoun
    • Partitives
    • Comparisons
      • more … than
      • as … as
      • less … than
  1. Vocabulary
    • Common vocabulary from various domains
    • Words to introduce yourself
    • Greetings
    • Expressions used at the beginning, middle and end of an action
    • Expressions used to talk about an action in progress or which has almost occurred
    • Everyday words
    • Daily conversations
    • Comments on familiar themes
    • Numbers
    • Description of an object
      • form
      • size
      • color
    • Basic time expressions
    • Expressions of imminence
    • Nationalities and professions
    • Words from the same family (root)
    • Synonyms and antonyms
    • Expressions with avoir
      • avoir faim
      • avoir soif
      • etc.
    • Attributes of an object for sale or to buy
      • size
      • color
      • etc.
    • Country or city attributes
    • Physical description of a person
    • Time markers
      • il y a
      • depuis
      • pendant
      • pour
      • dans
  1. Oral Expression
    • Various topics
  1. Developping Intercultural Skills
    • Knowledge of Quebec society
      • Sociocultural standards
      • Elements of intercultural skills
    • Common values
  1. Cultural Strategies and Standards
    • Functional aspect
      • General areas of training
      • Communication situations
      • Communication intentions
    • Organizational aspect
      • Text grammar
    • Linguistic aspect
      • Sentence grammar
      • Phonetics
      • Lexicon
    • Sociolinguistic aspect
      • Social communication agreement
    • Sociological aspect
      • Appropriate gestures at first contact
    • Socioaffective strategies
    • Oral communication strategies
  1. Communication Situations
    • Health and well-being
    • Housing and displacement
    • Education and work
    • Personal life and citizenship
    • Culture and media
    • Consumption and environment


Contact us for more information:

450-667-3934 Send an e-mail


Act regarding 1%

Our training services are accredited by the “ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale” and are subject to the Act regarding “compétences de la main d’œuvre sur la formation”. You can find all the information regarding this Act on the following Website (please note, the information is in French only):


As we are an organization that is certified by Emploi-Québec, we are able to fill out all required documents for you. Moreover, we can even find the contact person at Emploi-Québec!


Do not wait until the end of your financial year to prepare your training activities!

Intelligence Artificielle - IA


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Possibilité de subventions pour cette formation.

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