Our blog

  • 28/02/2024in Non classé @en

    Unlocking the World: The Benefits of Learning French

    In today’s globalized world, the ability to communicate in more than one language has become an invaluable skill. Among the plethora of languages to choose from, French stands out as a language of beauty, culture, and global significance. With over 275 million speakers worldwide, French is not only the language of France but also holds...
  • 15/02/2024in Non classé @en

    Quote of the Day

  • The Secret to Learning a Foreign Language

    As the owner of a language school, I am always looking into new and different methods on how to teach a new language. While surfing the Internet, I came across a Ted Talk hosted by Lýdia Machová who considers herself a language mentor (she should be, she knows 8 languages and has decided to learn...
  • 06/04/2020in Non classé @en

    A List of 25 Common French Words and their Definition

    Let’s face it, French is hard to learn. Its grammar is different than in English, and you have to pronounce things properly. But learning basic terms can help. So here is a list of 25 common words used in French. Word Definition auparavant Beforehand, previously bis a musical encore at the end of a concert;...
  • 25/10/2017in Non classé @en

    Weird words in English

    The English language is not as easy as everyone makes it out to be.  There are always new words that pop into our vocabulary. However, many of the following words have been around for quite a while, we just don’t use them because they are weird or sound funny. Abibliophobia The fear of running out...
  • 23/10/2017in Non classé @en

    Learning French

    As we are in Quebec, it is important to know French (even if English is the language most used when dealing with business matters). I was lucky enough to have learnt French as a child. However, a lot of you out there do not know this beautiful language. As an English instructor, the most frequent...
  • Advantages of learning a new language

    We live in a faced-paced world and we want everything right now. This doesn’t seem likely to change any time soon.   So how do you keep up?   You need to develop some special advantages to get a boost, help yourself stand out and survive in this crazy, modern world.   As our world...
  • 19/07/2017in Non classé @en

    A few tips on how to learn French efficiently

    Have you always wanted to communicate with others in French? Perhaps, you have a business in the province of Quebec and you need to speak with your employees, suppliers, and/or other contacts. Are you planning to travel where the natives speak French? Wouldn’t it be great if you could ask them questions in their language...
  • Proverbs about languages

    We decided to add a few proverbs about languages and learning a language (or two). To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world. – Chinese proverb Those who know many languages live as many lives as the languages they know. ‒ Czech proverb One who speaks...
  • 24/09/2015in Non classé @en

    The benefits of social media marketing

    Social media has changed the operations of businesses, marketing, and customer service. According to a demographic study, 72% of all Internet users are now active on social networks. The common saying is “if you don’t have a social network profile, you may as well not exist.” If you want them to spread the word, you...
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