French – Beginner Level


Beginner level participants have no or very little knowledge of the French language

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

  • Communicate orally and in writing in order to execute simple everyday tasks
  • Understand and use common and familiar expressions as well as very simple statements aimed at meeting concrete needs
  • Introduce oneself or introduce somebody else
  • Ask questions to someone that concerns them and answer similar questions
  • Talk about the weather
  • Communicate about simple and usual tasks which requires a simple and direct exchange of information regarding familiar and usual subjects
  • Using simple language, describe their education, their immediate surroundings and bring forth subjects that correspond to their immediate needs



Anyone whose mother tongue is not French

A placement test is suggested before registering for a course.






  1. Thematic Content
    • Introductions, greetings and using formal and informal language in a social setting
    • Talk about oneself, their family and entourage
    • Contacting someone, taking a leave of absence
    • Discuss the weather and know the seasons
    • Know the days of the week and months
    • Know the names of countries and their corresponding adjectives
    • Describe rooms, furniture and objects in a house
    • Ask and answer questions regarding simple daily activities
    • Describe a person, an object or a location
    • Order a meal in a restaurant
    • Buy items (clothes, food, etc.)
    • Cardinal numbers from 1 to 1000 and ordinal numbers from 1st to 100th
    • Tell time, dates, frequency and duration
    • Describe a town or a suburb
    • Express action that are happening at this moment
    • Travel throughout the city
      • Talk about the various means of transportation
    • Express an opinion
    • Ask for information
    • Know professions and discuss some activities and conditions regarding work
    • Express taste and preferences
    • Know where you are, locations
  1. Grammar
    • Alphabet
    • Nouns and gender (masculine and feminine)
    • Definite, indefinite and possessive determinates
    • Numbers from 0 to 100
    • Personal pronouns that are subject
    • Adjectives
    • Comparatives and superlatives
    • The most common verbs:
      • avoir
      • être
      • faire
      • aller
      • aimer
      • finir
      • devoir
      • vouloir
      • pouvoir
      • naître
      • venir de
    • Present tense of verbs
      • avoir
      • être
      • verb groups
    • Interrogation
      • basic questions
    • Negatives
    • Imperative
    • Past tenses
      • imparfait, passé composé
    • Near future
    • Prepositions of location
  1. Vocabulary
    • Time
    • Numbers
    • Family
    • Body parts
    • Daily activities and hobbies
    • Description of objects
      • form
      • size
      • color
    • Expressions of time
    • Nationalities and professions
    • Expressions using avoir
      • avoir faim
      • avoir soif
    • Weather vocabulary
    • Greetings
  1. Oral Expression
    • Various subjects


Contact us for more information:

450-667-3934 Send an e-mail


Act regarding 1%

Our training services are accredited by the “ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale” and are subject to the Act regarding “compétences de la main d’œuvre sur la formation”. You can find all the information regarding this Act on the following Website (please note, the information is in French only):


As we are an organization that is certified by Emploi-Québec, we are able to fill out all required documents for you. Moreover, we can even find the contact person at Emploi-Québec!


Do not wait until the end of your financial year to prepare your training activities!

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