French – Intermediate Level


Intermediate level participants adequately use the various verb tenses, whether it is orally or in writing.

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the essentials when a clear and standard language is used
  • Get by in the majority of situation when travelling in a region where French is spoken
  • Produce a simple and coherent speech on familiar subjects and on subjects in the field of interest
  • Talk about an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hop or a goal and express themselves briefly on the reasons or explanations for a projects or idea
  • Formulate future projects
  • Formulate hypothetical projects
  • Make or give an appointment
  • Express cause, consequence or a goal
  • Discuss benefits and inconveniences of various possibilities

This course offers practice and an enrichment of the French language that is required to communicate spontaneously and more elaborately. Vocabulary and grammar are reinforced in order to improve the participants’ ease of communication. Tasks and activities are carried out to discuss an event, describe a situation and devise projects.



Anyone whose mother tongue is not French or who would like to improve their skills.

A placement test is suggested before registering for a course (exception: having taken and passed the prerequisite course)



Having passed the course for advanced beginners or the placement test



  1. Thematic Content
    • Discuss past actions and express the duration and frequency
    • Express an action in the past
    • Talk on the phone: take, leave and give messages
    • Express emotions and interests
    • Give a summary and tell a story and jokes in the present
    • Express past habits
    • Future expressions
    • Describe features and meaning of an object
    • Give advice and express certainty, uncertainty and ignorance
    • Express prohibition, obligation, impersonality and habits
    • Give suggestions
    • Talk about a past account by using logical connectors
    • Show cause and consequences
    • Express wishes, hypotheses and their consequences
    • Write an article about past events
    • Present arguments on various personal and professional subjects of interest
    • Defend an opinion, express disagreement and partake in a debate
    • Summarize a speech
  1. Grammar
    • Past and present tenses of pronominal verbs
    • Past tenses used in stories
      • distinction between imparfait and passé composé
    • Probability
      • si + présent
    • Future
    • The subjonctif présent
    • Agreement of the past participle
    • Introduction to the passive voice
    • Subject – verb agreement
    • Adverbs
    • Adverbial propositions
    • Conjunctions
    • French expressions
    • Gerund
      • Form
      • Basic use
    • Position and order of pronouns
    • Possessive pronouns
    • Demonstrative pronouns
  1. Vocabulary
    • Psychological description of a person
    • Geographical and spatial location
    • Expression used for cause
      • parce que
      • à cause de
    • Expression used for goals
      • pour + infinitive
    • Expressions used for consequences
    • Expressions used to give an opinion
    • Idioms
  1. Oral Expression
    • Various subjects


Contact us for more information:

450-667-3934 Send an e-mail


Act regarding 1%

Our training services are accredited by the “ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale” and are subject to the Act regarding “compétences de la main d’œuvre sur la formation”. You can find all the information regarding this Act on the following Website (please note, the information is in French only):


As we are an organization that is certified by Emploi-Québec, we are able to fill out all required documents for you. Moreover, we can even find the contact person at Emploi-Québec!


Do not wait until the end of your financial year to prepare your training activities!

Intelligence Artificielle - IA


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