French Business Writing

Thursday, 20 May 2021 by

OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the participants will have consolidated and improved their general knowledge skills in French writing. They will be able to solve language difficulties that are found in letters, forms and other administrative and business writings. They will learn comprehension and writing strategies, as well as grammatical structures that are

Business French

Thursday, 20 May 2021 by

OBJECTIVES The French Business course is designed for professionals who want to write quality texts that are clear, concise and precise. To maximize control of the administrative and business language, we will approach this aspect by studying the basic rules of the French language, and then apply them to the business aspect of the language

French – Beginner Level

Thursday, 20 May 2021 by

OBJECTIVES Beginner level participants have no or very little knowledge of the French language At the end of the course, the participants will be able to: Communicate orally and in writing in order to execute simple everyday tasks Understand and use common and familiar expressions as well as very simple statements aimed at meeting concrete

English – Beginner Level

Wednesday, 19 May 2021 by

OBJECTIVES Beginner level participants have no or very little knowledge of the English language. At the end of the course, the participants will be able to: Understand and use familiar, everyday expressions, as well as very simple statements that are aimed to meet very concrete needs. Introduce themselves and others, and ask someone questions about

As the owner of a language school, I am always looking into new and different methods on how to teach a new language. While surfing the Internet, I came across a Ted Talk hosted by Lýdia Machová who considers herself a language mentor (she should be, she knows 8 languages and has decided to learn

Other Language Courses

Monday, 07 May 2018 by

Knowledge of another language is considered a real asset. Whether it is about learning a new language or improving your skills, whether it si for pure pleasure or for professional reasons, it is essential to be guided in your educational process. At ELC Professional Center, we offer courses that are tailored to your goals and

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OBJECTIVES The advanced beginner understands and uses basic Spanish grammar as well as basic vocabulary (a few sentences and conjugation of some verbs). At this level, the participants should be able to progress quickly compared to the beginner level participants when it comes to acquiring new knowledge. At the end of this course, the participant

Language courses for your personnel Did you know training… Increases your employee’s personal confidence and makes them more independent. Reinforces skills using real situations. Ensures greater job security as well as job stability. Procures the tools needed to confront tomorrow’s challenges. Offers better opportunities of getting promotions: a well-trained employee becomes automatically eligible to access

Intelligence Artificielle - IA


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