

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to use the Linux system as a user.



Linux administrators and advanced users



Introduction to micro-computing or experience using a computer



  1. Linux overview
    • History
    • Linux distributions
    • Concept of an operating system
    • General view of UNIX
  1. General basic commands
    • ls, Cat, Tail, CD, Pwd More, Less, CP, MV
    • PS top
    • Mkdir, RM grep Rmdir, WC
    • Arch
    • Pipes exercises
  1. The Linux file system
    • Overview
      • Structure
      • File types
    • Manipulating files and directories
    • Midnight Commander
    • Files in a directory
    • File security on Linux
      • Access permissions
      • Access categories
      • Permission modes
  1. Archiving and installation
    • Use of the two main types of archives
      • Rpm and Tar
      • Gunzip
      • Facilities
  1. Shells
    • Shells presentation
      • Sh, Bash, Csh, Tcsh, Ash, Ksh, Zsh
    • The Bourne shell
      • Peculiarities
    • The C-shell
      • Equivalent of HS orders
      • Login and log out files
      • Alias generation
  1. Use the VI text editor
    • An editing session with VI
    • Moving the cursor
    • Inserting and deleting text
    • Inserting commands
    • Backup
  1. Print
    • Command line printing
    • Querying the print queue
    • Print jobs
  1. Use graphical interfaces
    • Presentation of GNOME and KDE
    • Configuration use
    • Office solutions
  1. Using the network and devices
    • Assembly and dismantling
    • MTools utilities
    • Telnet or SSH session
    • FTP client
    • Moving the insertion point
    • Layout and printing
    • Text selection
    • Deleting, copying, and moving text
    • Canceling an operation
    • Chronological journal


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450-667-3934 Send an e-mail


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