Microsoft Word 365 – Beginner Level


Introduction to Word. At the end of the course, the participants will have gained the knowledge needed to use this word processing software. They will be able to create documents, change fonts and size, use the page layout, create documents containing many pages and improve the presentation of these documents.


They will learn how to use this software in the Cloud (Cloud Computing) and how to work as a team.






Microsoft Windows



  1. Fundamental elements of Microsoft Word
  • Launch Word
  • Explore the interface
  • The ribbon
  • The Quick Access toolbar
  • Explore the Word window
  • Quit the program


  1. First steps
  • Introduction to managing file windows
  • Close, sage and open a file
  • Recover files that were not saved
  • Manage files and folders


  1. Typing text
  • Typing text
  • Formats
  • Change letter to upper / lower case
  • Automatic correction


  1. Basic manipulations
  • Move around in the document
  • Select text
  • Delete
  • Undo the last operation
  • Repeat the last operation
  • Copy, cut and paste


  1. Format characters
  • Format characters
  • Themes
  • Size and attributes
  • Quick formatting of characters


  1. View and print a document


  1. Margins and tabs
  • Measuring units
  • Margins
  • Tabs


  1. Format paragraphs
  • Format paragraphs
  • Format lines
  • Alignment
  • Tabs in a paragraph
  • Line and paragraph spacing
  • Control automatic page breaks
  • Borders and backgrounds


  1. Bullets and numbering
  • Configure RBAC access control
  • Configure secure Internet access to Exchange Server


  1. Sections
  • Sections in a document


  1. Page format
  • Paper format
  • Vertical alignment
  • Page borders
  • Background
  • Watermark
  • Page title


  1. Headers, footers, and paging
  • Headers and footers
  • Headers and footers in a document that is divided into sections
  • Paging


  1. Search, replace and help tools
  • Search and replace
  • Help tools
  • Cutting words


  1. Envelopes and labels


Contact us for more information:

450-667-3934 Send an e-mail


Act regarding 1%

Our training services are accredited by the “ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale” and are subject to the Act regarding “compétences de la main d’œuvre sur la formation”. You can find all the information regarding this Act on the following Website (please note, the information is in French only):


As we are an organization that is certified by Emploi-Québec, we are able to fill out all required documents for you. Moreover, we can even find the contact person at Emploi-Québec!


Do not wait until the end of your financial year to prepare your training activities!

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